From the Studio 2017: Mary Ann Wenniger

My new life as a widow is illuminated in my original prints, which are called collagraphs. Using this unique medium, I share what lifts me out of myself, as for example, the sheltering coves and harbors of Cape Ann, local people at work, winter branches, spring flowers, and, most recently, clothing as metaphor for memories. My next exhibition will be “Aprons with Attitude.”

As artist and printmaker I slowly hone my skills while experimenting with natural and plastic plate-making materials, inks, paints, and papers, as well as ways to realize my imagery. No two prints are the same, color changes reflect playfulness, different environments, and times of day and life.

At present I am experimenting with ways to finish some of my collagraphs with a translucent layer of encaustic, a hot wax medium which will add a glossy wax finish to collagraphs as they go through my intaglio press. The clothing prints will be enhanced with chin-colle techniques in which oriental papers are glued on (colle) as the image is printed by press pressure.

It has been a stimulating year in the studio. My only beef is that there haven’t been enough snow days. They used to keep me rooted by my press.

Click here for more info about Mary Ann

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