Media Advisory: The 33rd Annual Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour

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Media Advisory: January 14, 2016
Inquiries: 978-283-8333 or

The 33rd Annual Cape Ann Artisans Studio Tour Announces New Dates & Returning Artisans

The Cape Ann Artisans are planning a great year for local and visiting art lovers and is pleased to announce some important changes. The Spring Tour will be moved a full month earlier to the weekend of May 21-22.   The Fall Tour will be changed to a two day event, Saturday and Sunday October 8-9 of Columbus Day Weekend. The Artisans will also continue their new tradition of a holiday show in December, details TBA.

The Artisans would also like to recognize and thank Marty Morgan for her 32 years of leadership on the tour. Marty announced her formal departure from the tour in 2015, but will continue to be involved in the community and arts scene with a vibrant presence and regular studio hours! In November, the Artisans also lost a friend and colleague, Mace Wenniger. We offer our condolences to his wife and artist partner, Mary Ann; wishing her well as she continues his legacy on the tour.

The Artisans thank the community for support of its partner program that includes sponsorships on the brochure and online. Annually, the Artisans print and distribute over 12,000 brochures which are distributed throughout the region. A few of these coveted spots remain available. For information, please contact Judith Wright at

The Tour will include 17 studios and 18 Artisans, with several artisans out on sabbatical.   The 2016 Artisans are:

  1. David Archibald
  2. Cynthia Curtis
  3. Rob Diebboll
  4. Jacqueline Ganim-DeFalco
  5. Camilla MacFadyen
  6. Anni Melançon
  7. Sinikka Nogelo
  8. Margaret Rack
  9. Mi Robertson
  10. Pam Stratton
  11. Bart Stuyf
  12. Twin Lights Studio
  13. Mary Ann Wenniger
  14. Beth Williams
  15. Ruth Worrall
  16. Judith Wright
  17. Sara Wright

Here’s a re-cap:
What: The Cape Ann Artisans open studio, self-guided tour of 17 studios
Where: Gloucester and Rockport, MA.
When:   May 21-22 and October 8-9.   All Days: 10-5

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