From the Studio Fall 2016: Pam Stratton

This is a busy season in the studio. The tour is around the corner. I continue to have fun playing with the lime plaster technique integrating mosaics of found treasures from walking our beautiful beaches. I have also been using the lime plaster with cold wax and oil paint which creates an interesting contrast.

Dagmar Friedrich, the Italian Mosaic teacher I learned this lime technique from, will be returning to my studio to teach a four day mosaic class on Andemento, the flow of the tessera… how the individual pieces guide your eye through a mosaic. She is giving a free open to the public talk on how different Andemento styles have been used in mosaic from Roman to modern times. Come hear her at the Rocky Neck Cultural Center on Oct 9th at 5PM. Click here to sign up to attend

Much of the Spring was spent creating a 3×5′ commission called “The heart of the sea” which will be on display in my studio for the tour. Here is a peek.

Click here to learn more about Pam Stratton

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