Do the Tour on Plug-In Cape Ann Tours!

The Heart of Cape Ann

I love ART. From a young age I loved to make useful things, and share great moments creating art, or visiting museums and galleries with family and friends. Traveling, I always made it a priority to take a guided tour, eat the local food and visit local artisans as my travels took me around the world. Returning to live in Gloucester, after 10 years living and working in Paris, France, I am repeatedly captivated by the beauty, the history and the art ready to discover. For that reason, in July 2017, I started Plug-In Cape Ann Tours, to share my enthusiasm and passion, for Cape Ann, especially the Art, which I believe is the heart of Cape Ann.

I was thrilled to be selected to offer an easier way to get around the picturesque main streets and backroads of the 35th Annual Cape Ann Artisans Open Studio Tour! It is a unique opportunity, to be invited into the private studios and homes of these artists, and this year, we will “Plug-In” some history, and make getting around part of the fun!

With my comfortable 14-passenger bus, you and your friends, can sit back, and listen to stories of Fitz Hugh Lane, Winslow Homer and Anna Hyatt Huntington as we visit the studios nestled around New England’s most treasured seacoast.

There will be 3 different routes offered during the Open Studio weekends, with the aim to see all of the studios at a relaxing pace.

Each tour will be 3-4 hours, and will start and end in a convenient location for exploring and dining. No matter the weather, each stop will be enchanting; you will become part of the scene, meeting the artists where they are inspired to create.

You can register in advance; each tour costs $29.00, and includes transportation, snacks and a knowledgeable local guide.   Advance booking is available now, register for all 3 routes and receive a $20.00 Cape Ann Gift Certificate on the day of the tour. For more information or to reserve with a group of 6 or more, email or visit our website at

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