After painting part time for 25 years, I’m now a full time artist specializing in watercolor painting. I am a native of Gloucester, a beautiful, seacoast community I call home. In my early years I worked as a Social Worker and Family Therapist using expressive art to help children during therapy sessions. Drawing and painting has been a lifelong passion for me and has evolved into a vibrant business. I maintain a gallery and studio, in my home, Cape Ann Art Gallery, where I have also taught adult and youth art classes.
* I will be exhibiting my art at Source Bakery on Duncan Street, Gloucester, the month of March. In 2023, I was the first artist to showcase my work there and start the monthly exhibits after meeting the owner, Julie.
* The Rocky Neck Cultural Center is holding its first exhibit of 2025 during March where I am showing one of my paintings on a large canvas titled: “ Wild Blueberries”.
My creative process often begins with a walk along the beach, the coastline, hiking or enjoying spring and summer flower gardens; if a scene captivates me, I capture it in a few photos and save them for reference on my computer. Back in the studio, these images become the foundation for my next painting, allowing me to revisit the moments. I usually start with a small sketch, then transfer it to watercolor paper or a canvas. I will take photos of the piece as it progresses, as it gives me another perspective and a record of my work. Once my work is framed, then it’s considered finished, until then I may tape it to the wall and look at it for a couple of months while making small changes!
My work as a watercolor artist combines contemporary impressionism with a broad stroke of realism. Deeply inspired by the landscapes and seascapes of Cape Ann & New England, they serve as the primary subjects of my work, offering viewers a moment of reflection and connection with nature. Through a thoughtful balance of color, light and detail, I aim to capture the natural beauty of this region. I have studied and explored this expressive medium through vibrant color and soft washes, creating art that resonates on a personal level. While watercolor remains my primary medium, I also explore techniques like alcohol inks, acrylic mediums and watercolor on Yupo or pen and ink, each adding texture and dimension to my work.
This special place has inspired and challenged me to capture its rugged beauty. My strong connection to Gloucester, its beaches and the ocean, began as a child spending summers at the beach and picnics at Stage Fort Park. I find inspiration today with walks on GHB in summer and off season, when the crowds are gone. My deep roots to this community are portrayed through my paintings; I enjoy bringing joy, hope and creating connections with my viewers. When doing a commissioned piece, I look to capture one’s memories and essence of a special place and convey that emotion with imagination and creativity.
During the Pandemic, I organized a drive-by art show on my front lawn, with music streaming, colorful umbrellas, easels were set up and a clothesline displayed over 25 paintings. I wanted to create an experience which had safety, hope, joy and camaraderie during a fearful & isolating time. The seventh car to drive by won an art print. It was a lot of fun and I look forward to having another outdoor art event!
With experience, I have learned to be more daring, have courage to experiment, and be more free and have fun while painting! I enjoy visiting other members’ studios; seeing where they create and how they create is inspirational and motivates me to try new methods.