
Artisan Membership Application 
Contact, but read this first:

Thank you for visiting our Membership Information page.   We are excited to expand the Cape Ann Artisans Tour to include more members in the years to come.

We have recently posted a “Call to Artisans” here in our blog and encourage you to read it for yourself or anyone to whom you would like to recommend membership.

After our October Fall Tour weekend, we begin the process of considering new members for the following year. Members are asked to make a yearly commitment to share the expenses, the year round organizational and publicity work, and to have their studios open and available for BOTH the June and the October tour dates.

The membership jury process includes submitting examples of current work, photos of your studio, an artist statement and/or resume. We arrange for an Artisan group to visit your studio as part of this process. We also ask that applicants have established their working studio on Cape Ann for at least 1 full year before joining.  We expect that the work submitted is only your own personal design and production.   The work that is displayed and sold in your studio during the Annual Tour dates would be only your own work made here in your studio on Cape Ann.  [In other words, if you share a studio, the other artist would have to be juried in separately or the studio would have to be set up with just your work during the tour.]

Please feel free to reach out to us with any specific questions after you read the Membership materials.

Deadline: Applications must be submitted by September 30th for membership consideration for the following year. Contact for the submission address and jurying schedule.

Download Membership Application (PDF)
Download CAA Bylaws (PDF)