From the Studio: Beth Williams

30/40/400: Lots of news to share!

The stars have aligned; it is going to be an exciting year!

2023 is shaping up to be a busy year with several milestones to celebrate: 30 years for me in my downtown studio, 40 years of Open Studios for the Cape Ann Artisans (the oldest studio tour in the country!)….and 400 years of vibrant art, life and maritime history in my hometown – beautiful Gloucester, Massachusetts! We have so much to celebrate….plus I’m back with my friends on the annual Artisans Studio tours!

I’m excited to be rejoining the Artisans after taking a sabbatical for the past couple of years, developing some new ideas and designs. If you haven’t been to my studio in some time, I think you’ll enjoy seeing the new work….here’s a sneak peek for you.

I hope to see many familiar as well as new faces in the near future…visiting with old and new friends is one of the highlights of the tours for me!

Be sure to check out all the special events happening during the 400th celebration and do plan to spend some time exploring America’s oldest seaport!

See you soon,


PS – Two more notes:  I’m proud to be part of Cape Ann Museum’s “Cape Ann Blossoms” exhibition, May 5-7, along with several of my fellow Artisans:  Cape Ann Blossoms

And for a bit more fun, my courtyard will be along the route of the Downtown Garden Walking Tour this year, organized and run by the volunteers of Generous Gardeners. Mark your calendars for July 8th, 10-4.  Generous Gardeners

More about Beth Williams

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