From the Studio: Beth Williams

An Extraordinary Summer on Cape Ann…

2023 – a year of celebrations! From Gloucester’s historic 400 years as an established community, to CAA’s 40th anniversary of welcoming visitors into our open studios, and Cape Ann Museum’s groundbreaking exhibit of Jo and Edward Hopper’s Gloucester paintings – thousands of visitors have descended on our island to enjoy Cape Ann’s hospitality and  all the local special events! I’ve had folks pop into my studio from all over the US and Europe, as well as Columbia, Israel and South Africa!
As part of our 40th anniversary celebration, we were invited to participate in CAMuseum’s “Cape Ann Blossoms” show in May. Typically, floral designers are recruited to create arrangements inspired by a piece of artwork assigned by Museum staff. This year three teams of Artisans participated, working collaboratively to create three “floral adjacent” sculptures using the materials we regularly work with – as opposed to “real” flowers. Pam Stratton and I collaborated on a piece based on Fitz Henry Lane’s iconic “New England Harbor at Sunrise”; made on an encaustic-covered base topped with mosaic tiles, it is filled with glass flowers and leaves with a sculpted “sail” of Japanese rice paper and driftwood. Our piece is currently on display in the Museum’s library, along with the two other Artisans’ submissions; all will be making their way to Rocky Neck soon for the upcoming 40th Anniversary exhibit. a grand month-long exhibit featuring work from present and past members.
Cultural Center at Rocky Neck, September 28 – October 29

And our last big event before the holidays…. our annual Fall Open Studios, October 7 & 8. I’ve been working on some new ideas and designs that I’ll be showing during the tour…here’s a quick hint of what’s to come.

Hope to see you soon!

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