From the Studio: Danette English

A Studio in Lanesville

I am looking forward to showing my work in my first open studio this coming June. I have been coming to Gloucester ever since I moved to the Boston-area in the 1980s. I recognized it as a special place and always dreamed of being able to live here.

In 2019 my dreams came true and I moved to Lanesville. I have a studio in my backyard that has my kiln and two pottery wheels. I have been making art and teaching it for most of my life; having a dedicated studio of my own has been an aspiration for a very long time.

For the past two years, I have been testing out glazes and developing my inventory. I have two different bodies of work that I have been working on.

In my “deconstructed” series, I am using classical forms of the vase, bowl and platter. I throw these forms on the pottery wheel, and then once they have been created, I cut them up, take them apart, and remake them (see first image above).

There is a moment of thrill and risk each time as I don’t know what the outcome will be. This making and unmaking is a metaphor for the doing and redoing of self.

Most recently, I’ve been exploring forms that are twisting and turning; intentionally making them asymmetrical to show motion (left).

The other body of work is wheel thrown stoneware which is made to showcase my love of nature, color and pattern. These are inspired by flowers and shapes found in the garden. All of my ceramic work can be used for food and entertaining.

The village of Lanesville has long been a community of crafts people and artists. I am looking forward to becoming a member of this community and showing my work.

See more about Danette English

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