From the Studio, Fall 2019: Deborah Gonet

Hard to believe it’s already mid-September! On a whim I decided to take a Viscocity Monotype workshop with Joyce Silverstone at Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill in August. I was excited to experiment with Akua Intaglio inks to learn how best to create layers of transparency based on the thinness and thickness of the ink. A bonus is that they are water based and non-toxic.

My interest in encaustic and cold wax has a great deal to do with the translucency and transparency that is achievable with the multiple layers of wax and it was so interesting to work in a similar way with ink on paper.


I had done quite a bit of printmaking in college so after a long time away from the medium it was exciting to see the results – surprising and quite often unplanned. In addition to Joyce openly sharing her knowledge and expertise the entire group was very supportive of one another sharing and discussing successes, challenges, and discoveries.

Whether I use these prints as a base layer for some of my encaustic and cold wax paintings or finish them as they are I will continue to work and experiment further with Akua inks. Regardless of the medium I’ve decided I’m most satisfied with my work when I allow myself to play, to enjoy the process, and to embrace the unexpected.

Hope to see you during the fall tour!

Click here for more info about Deborah Gonet

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