From the Studio: Rob Diebboll – The Meditation Series

“Summer Meditation”, 30 x 39, oil on linen

The Meditation Series

For the past year or so I’ve been working on a “meditation” series that’s more directly about our connections with nature, as well as introspection.  As the recent stresses of the world have escalated we need to take more time out to recover.  Art heals.

“Winter Meditation”, 38 x 38, oil on linen

“Winter Meditation” is an ambitious, subtle piece.  It may be difficult to see here online, but as you spend time looking the subtleties slowly reveal themselves, like the violet waves vibrating in the green water.

“Sea Smoke”, 38 x 38, oil on linen *

Hope to see you on the Tour next month!

* P.S. – “Sea Smoke” just sold yesterday after the customer tried it out at home for a couple of days, an option I offer for local customers.

~ Rob

more about Rob

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