From the Studio: Pam Stratton

Happy spring!

Another panel from the Dreamtime tree is completed! The theme is fish and birds as it represents my koi pond and a passion for bird watching. I really enjoy the birds in the spring when the warblers come through from their distant winter homes in the southern hemisphere. I had the good fortune to travel with Road Scholar on a birding and safari vacation to South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana this past November and saw over 200 new bird species! One of my favorite species was the weavers, especially the black faced and village weavers. They live in colonies and weave amazing nests!


This year I plan to add sculpture to my mosaic repertoire, integrating reed and tissue paper sculpture with the encaustic wax. Most likely the works will have a birds and nest component. If the birds can do it, so can I. This year  is the 40th anniversary of the Cape Ann Artisans and the 400th for Gloucester. I will be participating in a couple of special events with the Cape Ann Museum. ’The first will be the  “Cape Ann Blossoms” exhibition, May 5-7, along with several of my fellow Artisans:  Cape Ann Blossoms

In the Fall I will be teaching a mosaic class at the Cape Ann Museum using a granite cobbles and smalti, the beautiful Italian glass I use in many of my mosaics. Stay tuned for updates.

More about Pam Stratton…

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